----- Original Message -----
From: Jack Venrick
To: AJack R. Venrick
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 12:10 PM
Subject: More Questions regarding TNC, U.S. Army & Pinon Canyon

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2007 8:52 AM

Subject: More questions regarding TNC, U.S.Army and Pinon Canyo



I know you hate getting this kind of stuff from me, but - we're in serious need of some answers to the following.

But because TNC is involved, no one, including the media (Publishers and 400+ industry leaders are on TNC's board.), will address it.

I thought shut-down of resource production in the U.S. would take another 50 years - BUT - at the rate groups (like TNC) are moving, it's here.

Can you imagine what it will be like if we humans get tainted food from China - like our pets have gotten?

It'd be like - OK. Rudy puts a great deal of care, time, energy, talent, money, sacrifice, follows all the regulations, and brings forth a wonderful culpture.You're proud you can provide something safe, essential and at a reasonable cost to the consumer. Then some entity in Mexico mass produces afaux version of your sculpture, only it's full of contaminated materials that makes a buyer sick. Then you're blamed and banned from selling yourproduct.

I don't know who wants U.S. consumers at the mercy of buying from un-friendly nations, but whomever's goal to control us is roaring loud and clear.

With your good investigative skills- you could get some answers.

What I have found, is that TNC is the dirty old man to ones they've molested, while the un-touched defend TNC as their favorite uncle.

Thank you,


Please post on: www.GoodNeighborLaw.com <https://www.GoodNeighborLaw.com>

Questions regarding The Nature Conservancy and U.S. Army's request to expand the maneuver site at Pinon Canyo


Memo: Late 2005/early 2006 "TNC praised Sen. Allard & Rep Hefley for "valiant work in securing $7 million in funds...Fort Carson...bufferzones....peak to prairie..." said Charles Bedford ED - TNC/Colorado.

7/27/06 PACOG Minutes - Ms. Frogard Ryan (TNC) and Ms. Mott-White "involved since the inception..." of preservation goals of Fort Carson andthose of the Nature Conservancy..." Ms. Ryan reported "Peak to Prairie Project...a spine along the Fountain Creek corridor..connecting that area tograsslands out in Chico Basin...working with buffered lands protection for several years..." Ms. Mott-White (CO Open Lands) reported "COCOgrant was $40,000...matching funds provided by TNC."

Aug 06 "In S.E. Colorado, the feds conjoined with, I think - - The Nature Conservancy - - and the military, to claim they have a need to expand amaneuver site in Pinion Canyon." Chuck Sylvester

9/6/06 To: Chuck Sylvester "Mr. Pribyl alerted me to an assertion that you make on your web site that The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has omethingto do with the Army's expansion plans at Pinon Canyon. This is not true and I would ask that you remove this assertion from your site.........If you do hearfurther slander about our organizational character....." Charles Bedford - Colorado State Director TNC

4/10/07 Rocky Mountain News story by Joe Garner - Karen Edge(?) spokesperson for Fort Carson Army - (and I paraphrase) - "...haven't receivedany money."


1) Where does "Peak to Prairie" begin and end?

2) Where does the Fountain Creek (CO) to grasslands open space plan begin and end?

2) Are the Pinon Canyon Ft. Carson -and the Colorado Springs Ft. Carson Army Military bases two complete and separate entities?

3) Who received the beforementioned $7,000000? Is there an expenditure breakout available?

To whomever reads this, please understand...we only have questions. No statements. No answers. Just questions.

Hopefully - you will bring some answers.

Thank you,

Chuck & Roni Sylvester

P.O. Box 155

LaSalle, CO 80645
